Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why Breastfeed?

It's easy to say breastfeeding is the best food for any baby, but that doesn't make all moms want to choose breastfeeding.

Although, we all know breastfeeding is best for baby, lots of people think formula is a just as good-or even better substitute for human milk, which is not the case. Yes, new baby formulas feature DHA and ARA, which is found in breastmilk and while this is a great step, formula still doesn't even come close to the ingredients in breastmilk (which are hundreds, if not thousands and are still even being discovered!).

Infant formula has been recalled several different times, reasons range from beetle parts and glass particles to a fishy smell and improper instructions that could lead to feeding the baby incorrectly. There's always a risk of recall when buying formula.

Breastmilk can never be recalled. Breastmilk contains immunities to diseases and assist in the development of babies immune systems. Breastmilk contains no synthetic growth hormones or genetically engineered ingredients.

Early breastmilk is "Liquid Gold".

Colostrum is the first breast milk that is made during pregnancy and just after birth. This milk is very rich in nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby. Although your baby only gets a small amount of colostrum at each feeding, it matches the amount his or her tiny stomach can hold.

After day 4-5 postpartum, your colostrum changes into what is called mature milk. This milk has the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein to help your baby to continue to grow. It is a thinner type of milk than colostrum, but it still provides all the nutrients and antibodies your baby needs.

Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding mothers and babies have less health risks. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of certain cancers for both the mother and the baby. It protects mom from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, most cervical cancers, and even osteoporosis. Unfortunately, we all know about atleast one person and family who has been affected by cancer. This is a huge reason to not only lower your chances, but also your child's. Breastfeeding lowers baby’s risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, childhood leukemia, and SIDS.

Breastfeeding babies have less stomach issues. Breastmilk is easier for babies to digest and easier on baby's tummy. Breastfed babies have fewer ear infections, allergies, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, vomiting, gas, colic, and diarrhea.

Exclusively breastfeeding mothers have delayed periods, or no period at all. This is called lactational amenorrhea method or LAM.

If done correctly, exclusive breastfeeding (by itself) is 98-99.5% effective in preventing pregnancy.

LAM only works if:

• You are fully breastfeeding during the day and night. The baby only gets your milk.

• You have not started you period. (Bleeding during the first 2 months is not a period. After 2 months, bleeding or spotting that lasts at least 2 days is a period.)

• The baby is younger than 6 months

Fully Breastfeeding is when you do not supplement formula, water, juice, or baby food, and the baby doesn't go longer than 6 hours without breastfeeding.

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